Western Front
Battlefield cruise

2025: April CANCELLED (canal closed)
Sept 22 - Oct 5

2025 Alternative: Bruges-Paris, May 2-15

2026:   April 18 - Mai 1
and on request

ANZAC DAY, April 25th

Discover te Western Front

Flanders Fields, Somme, Chemin des Dames, ...

Special interest for Australian and New Zealand memorials

A World War I remembrance tour to the Western Front, combined with some art, culture and relaxed cruising.

Retrace the footsteps of your father, grandfather, uncle or other relative that fought in the Great War in Belgium and France. Discover the places that are engraved in our memories: Ypres, Passchendaele, Fromelles, Bullecourt, Villers-Bretonneux and many, many others. Memorials stand as silent witnesses to past battles where now are  meadows and cornfields. There are graveyards with rows and rows of white stones, engraved with the names of thousands of young men that gave their lives on foreign ground.

Where once was fierce battle, we can now enjoy the arts in the Louvre Lens, bustling Lille, the quiet berth at Ruyaulcourt or simply relax on deck with a beautiful view of the passing landscape.

Lest we forget.

Battlefield Cruise Route

On all our cruises, you have a choice of things to do and places to visit, according to your preferences. Below is just a selection of what you can expect.

Day 1, Bruges
Welcome on board Johanna, moored near the ramparts of this historic city.

Day 2, Bruges – Deinze
After the morning sailing, our minivan will be waiting for you to visit the city of Ghent. On request we make a first tour to Flanders Fields with the Trenches of Death in Diksmuide and other memorials.

Day 3, Deinze – Wervik
Sailing on the river Lys, passing our first locks. Afternoon visit of Flanders Fields with Hill 60, Polygon Wood, 5th Div. memorial, Tine Cot Cemetary, Ypres and the Last Post at the Menin Gate.

Day 4, Wervik – Lille
We are leaving Belgium entering France. Visit Fromelles with VC corner and Memorial Park. Or discover the bustling city of Lille.

Day 5, Lille – Douai
Today we can see the work of the New Zealand diggers at the Wellington Quarry in Arras. Nearby is Vimy Ridge with the Canadian National Memorial and the remains of Mont St Eloi abbey.

Day 6, Douai – Ruyaulcourt
Sailing on the Canal du Nord, we go from the Scheldt to the Somme valley. First visit to the Somme area: Bullecourt, Pozieres, Mouquet Farm, Thiepval, …

Day 7, Ruyaulcourt – Péronne
Afternoon visit to the Hindenburg line, Mont Saint Quentin, Bellenglise, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Dividion memorials.

Day 8, Péronne & Villers-Bretonneux
Day tour of Somme battlefield: Le Hamel, Sailly-le-Sec, Lochnagar crater, Victoria school…
In 2025, on April 25, at sunrise, ANZAC ceremony at Villers-Bretonneux. Don’t forget to register your free tickets!

Day 9, Péronne – Noyon
Excursion to the hill city of Laon

Day 10, Noyon – Guny
Visit the platform of the” Parizer Kanon” that could fire shells to Paris, 100km away, and the medieval fortifications of Coucy-le-Chateau-Aufrique

Day 11, Guny – Braye en Laonnois
Visit of Soissons, Compiegne armistice wagon

Bruges-Reims Battlefield route

Day 12, Braye en Laonnois – Berry au Bac
Visit of the Dragon’s cave on the famous “Chemin des Dames”, California Plateau, Tank memorial of the first tank battel on April 16, 1917.

Day 13, Berry au Bac – Reims
Reims city, cathedral, basilica, Art nouveau Villa Demoiselle, champagne wine cellar visit, or optional Fort de la Pompelle. Too much to do it all in 1 day…

Day 14, Reims
Farewell after breakfast.

Option: Add a few days in B&B on board Johanna in Bruges or Reims at the start or end of your cruise.

In autumn (early October) we offer the cruise in opposite direction.
Other dates on request depending on availability: first come, first served.

Battlefield cruise pricelist 2024

Charter bookings price
6 pers.
5 pers.
1-4 pers.
Cabin bookings price
cabin (2 pers.)
cabin (single occup.)

Additional night in B&B at start or end of the cruise:
€ 125/cabin/night, to be paid on site.

Contact us with your cruise requests and wishes, we’ll send you a quote and availability as soon as possible.
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